A version of this piece was originally posted on the Hog Foundation for Mental Health’s blog site “Rick on Reform.” Click here for the original posting. Re-engineering. Reinventing. Rightsizing. Reorganizing. Restructuring. Turning around. You have heard them before. Just a few of the terms used to symbolize “transformation.” We talk much of transformation. […]
What Has CFHA Meant To Me And For My Career
Dr. Tina Runyan is the CFHA President-Elect. She spoke at the recent 2016 CFHA Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC. I’ve worn a lot of hats in my career – Air Force psychologist, academic dean of a graduate school in psychology, behavioral health clinician, post-doctoral fellowship director, and a psychologist in academic medicine to name a […]
High Jinx in Charlotte: First-Time Faculty Views of the CFHA Annual Conference
At East Tennessee State University Department of Family Medicine, we are working hard on team care transformation. Our Department has a long history of embedded pharmacy, psychology, and social work services in each of its three primary care residency training programs. Recently, however, our HRSA-funded project “Collaborative Training in Team Based Care in Appalachian […]
How to Establish a Great Music Festival (and PCBH Group)
PCBH groups and music festivals couldn’t be more different experiences, right? Well, sure, most groups don’t suggest earplugs, don’t have food trucks and usually don’t include intoxicated “20-somethings,” but there are a few lessons music festival promoters have learned that are pertinent to PCBH groups. Namely, setting the date, getting useful feedback and […]
2016 Conference: Second Plenary Session
The second plenary session of the 2016 Annual CFHA Conference in Charlotte, NC was on Friday 14 October and included a panel of experts on opioid dependence and treatment. The first speaker was Brooke who shared her personal struggle with opioid dependence. Here is her story in her own words. Brooke: “I first […]
2016 Conference: Opening Plenary Session
Welcome to the 2016 CFHA Annual Conference! The opening plenary session included remarks by current president Natalie Levkovich and incoming president Tina Runyan. The Don Bloch award was presented by John Rolland and given to Barry Jacobs, a worthy recipient. Check here for a video of the presentation. The actual plenary session […]
Scaling Integration through Health Policy: North Carolina Policy Summit
As conference attendees for the 2016 CFHA Annual Conference traveled to Charlotte, North Carolina, a group of policy wonks, clinicians, lawmakers, and administrators met just a mile away to share information and brainstorm new ways for addressing the fragmentation of the US and, specifically, the NC health care system. The group met in […]
A Taxonomy of CFHA Keynote Questioners
You’re at this week’s CFHA conference. You’re glowing in the bucket list elation of a just-finished speech from a professional hero. And then, a flock of Questioners swoops to the microphone mid-way up the center aisle. Like the cicada, this noisy species only makes a brief appearance and then disappears for months or years. […]
Zero Suicide
Mike Hogan is the Saturday Plenary Speaker for the 2016 CFHA Conference in Charlotte, NC. Increased deaths from suicide are in the news. The Centers for Disease Control recently reported that the increased suicide rate contributed to a rare rise in the overall death rate for Americans in 2015. What can be […]
Welcome to Charlotte!
This post is by the 2016 CFHA Conference Co-Chairs. Come See for Yourself! A psychiatrist, a primary care doc, and a therapist walk into a bar…So, you think I am joking, right? Actually, this type of meet-up is not uncommon at CFHAs annual conference. Come to Charlotte, NC in October and see for yourself! […]
Telementoring: How Technology Enhances Mental Health in Primary Care
We all know that primary care doctors have to wear many “hats” in taking care of patients. Unfortunately, with the shortage of mental health providers and the fact that those with mental illness are living longer and more often than not, have multiple medical illnesses, it is often left to the primary doctor […]
Integrated Care in Indigenous Populations
Indigenous people of the United States and the world suffer from some of the worst health disparities. Disparities are linked to historical trauma, healthcare barriers, and epigenetic processes due to social, political, cultural and environmental violence. Indigenous health disparities are a result of historical oppression of these communities, as well as, the current inequities that […]
News & Research Column
Welcome to the fourth edition of the CFHA News and Research Column, a new series of posts that highlight recent developments in the field of collaborative and integrated care. Check back for additional reports. NEWS Texas Lawmakers Focus on Integrated Care The state of Texas is in a state of mental health crisis. Part […]
Integrated Primary Care: The (Somewhat Extended) Elevator Speech
This piece was originally published on April 18, 2013. Click here for original post. One of the roles of leadership in a field is being comfortable speaking on behalf of the field. To do that, it helps to have a clear summary that is understandable to someone outside the field. One name […]
What if Prince had a Waivered Family Physician?
This piece was originally posted on the STFM blog. Click here for the original posting. Reprinted here with permission. A Prince in Crisis On April 21, at 9:43 a.m., the Carver County Sheriff’s Office received a 9-1-1 call requesting that paramedics be sent to Paisley Park. The caller initially told the dispatcher that an unidentified […]
The Change Pace Paradox
“Change has never happened this fast before, and it will never be this slow again.”1 Graeme Wood wrote these words to describe the ways social media and technology have redefined communication. The fact that you’re reading a blog right now is example of such change. An increased velocity to change seems […]
News & Research Column
Welcome to the third edition of the CFHA News and Research Column, a new series of posts that highlight recent developments in the field of collaborative and integrated care. Check back in the future for additional reports. NEWS European Countries Designing Large Collaborative Care System Multiple chronic conditions make medical treatment more difficult for physicians. […]
Integrated Care in India
Health care systems across the globe are integrating mental health services into primary care. Click here for last week’s post on collaborative care in Israel. Recently, Dr. Manjunatha from the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences in Bangalore, India, wrote a report for the Lancet describing an ambitious program to integrate mental health […]