5 minute read. This post is a reproduction of the recent FSH journal newsletter. FSH is the official journal of CFHA.
FSH Editors’ Retreat
It did not include all the fun times we had last year when we were together in Canada, but we carved out the time and got the work done during two half-days in January and early February. We are excited to bring you updates from that endeavor!
Annual Report
Check it out: our subjective experience was that COVID-19 presented a particular challenge for finding reviewers, but it didn’t seem to get in the way of authors’ productivity! 2020 submissions were up by 77 manuscripts –over 30%–and our rejection rate also up by almost 10%.
Special Issues
Clinical Informatics: Guest Editors: Drs. JD Smith, Ian Bennett, Kent Corso did a fantastic job developing a robust issue with over a dozen scholarly papers including nine research papers. Look for it any day now –and please promote it within your networks.
Workforce Development in Integrated Care:We have identified this topic as the focus for our next special Issue. We are recruiting editors and hope to have a Call for Papers to you soon, with a plan to publish the issue in late 2022.
Special Humanities e-Issue: “Covid-19 and Racial Injustice”We are so grateful to our humanities department editors, Drs. Hugh Silk and Jo Marie Reilly, who curated these pieces over the past year.In their words,“These creative expressions of ourselves reveal not only what we have been through but also the impact the experience has had on us.” Check out these pieces here, 22 works of poetry and narrative writing. Share them with your friends and colleagues!
Announcing New Editorial Leadership:
In December, our esteemed Associate Editor, Dr. Jen Sonney, an academic nurse practitioner who brought particular expertise in families science, announced she would be stepping down from her role. We will miss her contributions to the Journal! Fortunately, Dr. Lauren DeCaporale-Ryan has offered to serve in an Interim role as we determine next steps for the journal in providing strong editorial and review capacity in the families science area. Dr. DeCaporale-Ryan is a clinical psychologist and Assistant Professor of Psychiatry in the University of Rochester’s School of Medicine and Dentistry. She has a strong background in family systems theory, and has held multiple leadership roles within CFHA. Welcome Lauren!
Around the time of this transition we received the above data validating our perceptions of the overall volume of work / capacity required by our editorial team. We felt an additional Associate Editor with a strong methodological and integrated care background would be invaluable. We are excited to welcome Dr. Robyn Shepardson as a new Associate Editor in this area. Dr. Shepardson is clinical research psychologist at the VA Center for Integrated Healthcare, based at the Syracuse VA Medical Center. She has served on our Editorial Board since 2018 and has collaborated with us on many research-capacity building initiatives and presentations at CFHA (see right, Dr. Shepardson is second from left).
WELCOME: New Policy and Management Department Editors
We are thrilled to have established a collaboration with the Eugene S. Farley, Jr. Health Policy Center for future content in our Policy and Management Department. The Farley Center, based at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, is an interprofessional organization whose mission is to develop and translate evidence to advance equitable, integrated policies that improve the health and well-being of all. As we learned in our conversations with their faculty in recent months, their work is quite commensurate with that of FSH and CFHA. Over the next two years, Drs. Shale Wong (left) and Stephanie Gold (right) will lead the group as co-editors for the Department. Dr. Wong, Professor and Vice Chair for Policy and Advocacy in the Department of Pediatrics is also Executive Director for the Farley Center. Dr. Gold is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Family Medicine. We welcome both to our leadership team and look forward to our work with them and their colleagues at the Farley Center!
Trying Something New: Clinician’s Commentary.
Over the past year, we have been publishing short (less than 1,000 word) clinician commentaries in the journal. We invite clinicians to respond to the following questions as they relate to select publications:
- How do the research questions and findings in this paper resonate with your experience as a clinician?
- What is one thing you might do differently in your practice after reading this paper?
- What factors might facilitate or hinder the uptake/implementation of this research in practice?
- What is one unanswered question that you would like to see pursued as a follow up to this research?
We hope providing a clinician’s perspective on empirical papers will increase interest by clinician readers and provide a feedback loop for researchers.
2021 CFHA Annual Conference
We really missed seeing everyone at CFHA’s 2020 conference, and hold out great hope that we will be reunited in 2021! CFHA’s 2020 conference was entirely virtual and incorporated a stream of Canadian content from the cancelled Canadian Collaborative Mental Health Care Conference (CCMHC). Plans are underway for a virtual integrated CFHA and CCMHC conference in 2021, an exciting first for all. CFHA will likely also have a smaller regional on-the-ground conference in Madison, Wisconsin. We hope you will plan to attend in whatever form you can, and we are cautiously optimistic about an informal social gathering in keeping with our wonderful Editorial Board tradition. We have submitted an abstract with Dr. Funderburk (EB) and Shepardson (AE) on the topic of peer review that has relevance for both seasoned and new reviewers. We would love to see you there!
New Editorials
Since our last newsletter, our editorial team has produced a few new editorials:
Polaha, J., Johnson, L., Quinn, M., & Sunderji, N., (2020). Lessons from the team care playbook: Recommendations for the COVID-19 vaccination dissemination and uptake. Families, Systems, & Health, 33(4),online ahead of print.
Sunderji, N., Polaha, J.,Ratzliff, A., & Reiter, J., (2020). A walk on the translational science bridge with leaders in integrated care: Where do we need to build? Families, Systems, & Health, 38(2),99-104.
Pratt, K. J. & Sonney, J. T., (2020). Family science and family-based research in integrated care contexts: Future considerations. Families, Systems, & Health, 38(1), 1-5.
….and (drumroll) our June Issue will feature an insightful guest editorial by our wonderful EB member, Dr. Greg Beehler on the subject of researching Warm Hand-Offs (WHOs).
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